Whether you’re a first time boat owner searching for a boat lift or upgrading from your current lift, there are a few considerations before making your choice. As we discussed last month, purchasing a dock for your lake home can be an important investment and your lift adds value as well.
At DOCKshop, we take the time to understand your individual needs and make a recommendation that fits your lifestyle. Here are a few of the considerations we discuss when working with you to find a lift that matches your needs.
Type of Boat
The biggest factor when evaluating boat lifts is the type of boat. What type of boat do you currently have? The weight and length of the boat are the two most important factors.
Water Depth
Another important factor to consider is water depth. Depending on the depth helps determine the type of lift. Deeper water may require a floating lift or more creative accommodations.
Motorized or Manual
This one may be self-explanatory, however deciding on a motorized or manual is personal preference. Some lifts are manually operated while some have electric winches. The latter being more convenient, but also requires a power source as well as more care.
The most important job for a canopy is to protect your boat from the sun, so you want to make sure that it covers your boat completely. There are several tiers of material with vinyl and fabric being the most common. Vinyl can be more prone to mildew and fading, whereas fabric tends to have a longer lifespan.
Choosing a boat lift to fit your personal needs is an important process. At DOCKshop we take the time to ask questions and understand your needs so that you can find the perfect fit for you. If you’re in the market for a new lift, give us a call at DOCKshop (855) 827-2721 or email
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